The Factory Contract
The factory contract is the heart of the empact protocol ecosystem. It encompasses various features and functionalities for minting, managing, and interacting with empact protocol. Some of the contract's key features include:
Minting: Authorized addresses can create new vaults and mint vault tokens using signed mint requests.
Customizable Fees: The contract allows for setting fees for creating new empact vaults and for withdrawing assets from them.
ERC-1155 Compliance: empact vaults implement the ERC-1155 standard, making them tradable and transferable NFTs.
Operator Roles: Roles such as SIGNER_ROLE and DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE are defined to control contract operations.
Solidity API
bytes32 TYPEHASH
constructor() internal
function verify(struct ISignatureMint.MintRequest _req, bytes _signature) public view returns (bool success, address signer)
Verifies that a mint request is signed by an account holding SIGNER_ROLE (at the time of the function call).
function _canSignMintRequest(address _signer) internal view virtual returns (bool)
Returns whether a given address is authorized to sign mint requests.
function _processRequest(struct ISignatureMint.MintRequest _req, bytes _signature) internal view returns (address signer)
Verifies a mint request
function _recoverAddress(struct ISignatureMint.MintRequest _req, bytes _signature) internal view returns (address)
Returns the address of the signer of the mint request.
function _encodeRequest(struct ISignatureMint.MintRequest _req) internal pure returns (bytes)
Resolves 'stack too deep' error in recoverAddress
This contract handles the creation, management, and interaction with individual vaults, and is compliant with ERC1155 standards.
The contract inherits from ERC1155, ContractMetadata, SignatureMint, and AccessControl.
event VaultDeployed(address vault, address msgSender)
Emitted when a new vault is deployed
event FeeRecipientUpdated(address recipient)
Emitted when the fee recipient is updated
event MakeVaultFeeUpdated(uint256 fee)
Emitted when the fee for vault creation is updated
event BreakVaultBpsUpdated(uint16 bps)
Emitted when the fee for vault withdrawal is updated
event VaultImplementationUpdated(address implementation)
event GeneratorUpdated(address generator)
event TreasuryUpdated(address treasury)
event Payout(address vaultAddress, uint256 tokenId)
uint256 nextTokenIdToMint_
The tokenId of the next NFT to mint.
uint256 makeVaultFee
The fee to create a new Vault.
uint16 withdrawalFeeBps
The fee deducted with each withdrawal from a vault, in basis points
contract IVault vaultImplementation
The Vault implementation contract that is cloned for each new vault
contract IGenerator generator
The contract that generates the on-chain metadata
contract ITreasury treasury
The contract that handles open vaults
address payable feeRecipient
The address that receives all fees.
mapping(uint256 => uint256) totalSupply
@notice Returns the total supply of NFTs of a given tokenId @dev Mapping from tokenId => total circulating supply of NFTs of that tokenId.
mapping(uint256 => address) vaults
Vaults are mapped to the tokenId of the NFT they are tethered to
modifier tokenExists(uint256 tokenId)
checks to ensure that the token exists before referencing it
constructor(address payable _feeRecipient) public
Name | Type | Description |
_feeRecipient | address payable | The address that will receive fees collected by the contract |
function uri(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (string)
function mintWithSignature(struct ISignatureMint.MintRequest _req, bytes _signature) external payable returns (address signer)
Mints new tokens with a signature from an authorized signer, and creates an associated vault
Minting logic includes creating a new erc1155 token, and deploying a new vault
Name | Type | Description |
_req | struct ISignatureMint.MintRequest | The signed mint request data |
_signature | bytes | The signature of an address with the SIGNER role |
Return Values
Name | Type | Description |
signer | address | The address of the signer who authorized the mint |
function _deployProxyByImplementation(struct IVault.Attr _vaultData, bytes32 _salt) internal returns (address deployedProxy)
Every time a new token is minted, a Vault proxy contract is deployed to hold the vaults
function payout(uint256 tokenId) external
Executes the payout process for a given token ID, burning the sender's token balance and calling the payout function in the associated vault contract.
This function first checks the caller's balance of the specified token ID.
If the balance is greater than zero, it burns the tokens to prevent double claiming.
It then calls the payout
function of the corresponding vault contract.
If the vault's state changes to 'Open', it updates the treasury contract.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenId | uint256 | The ID of the token for which the payout is being processed. |
function setMakeVaultFee(uint256 fee) external
Sets the fee for creating a new vault
function setBreakVaultBps(uint16 bps) external
Sets the fee for withdrawing the vaults from a Vault - does not affect existing vaults
function setFeeRecipient(address payable _feeRecipient) external
@notice Updates recipient of make & break vault fees @param _feeRecipient Address to be set as new recipient of primary sales.
function setVaultImplementation(contract IVault _vaultImplementationAddress) external
@notice Sets an implementation for the vault clones ** Ensure this is called before using this contract! **
function setGenerator(contract IGenerator _generatorAddress) external
@notice Sets an implementation for generator contract This allows us to change the metadata and artwork of the NFTs
function setTreasury(contract ITreasury _treasuryAddress) external
@notice Sets an implementation for treasury contract
function grantSignerRole(address account) external
Grants the SIGNER role to a specified account.
Only an account with the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE can assign the SIGNER_ROLE.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the account to be granted the SIGNER_ROLE. |
function revokeSignerRole(address account) external
Revokes the SIGNER_ROLE from a specified account.
Only an account with the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE can revoke the SIGNER_ROLE.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the account from which the SIGNER_ROLE will be revoked. |
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual returns (bool)
function nextTokenIdToMint() external view returns (uint256)
The tokenId assigned to the next new NFT to be minted.
function _canSetContractURI() internal view virtual returns (bool)
Returns whether contract metadata can be set in the given execution context.
function _canSignMintRequest(address _signer) internal view virtual returns (bool)
Returns whether a given address is authorized to sign mint requests.
function _beforeTokenTransfer(address operator, address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] amounts, bytes data) internal virtual
Runs before every token transfer / mint / burn.
function _collectMakeVaultFee() internal virtual
Collects and distributes the primary sale value of NFTs being claimed.