
The Vault Contract

The vault contract serves as the non-custodial vault to secure assets on-chain. It is cloned with each new vault creation and is responsible for keeping track of the balance, unlocking according to the unlock conditions, and facilitating withdrawals.


This contract serves as a non-custodial vault to secure assets on-chain. It allows users to lock assets until certain conditions are met, and then facilitate withdrawals.


enum IVault.State state

Returns the current state of the vault

Return Values



bool oETHRebasingEnabled


address factory


address treasury


uint16 withdrawalFeeBps

The fee in basis points charged when withdrawing funds.

Cannot be modified after initialisation


modifier onlyFactory()


modifier onlyTreasury()


constructor(address _factory, address _treasury) public


function initialize(struct IVault.Attr _data, uint16 _breakVaultBps) external

Initializes the vault with specific attributes and withdrawal fee.

Can only be called once and only by the factory contract.


_datastruct IVault.AttrStruct containing initial attributes for the vault.
_breakVaultBpsuint16The fee in basis points charged when withdrawing funds.


function setStateUnlocked() external

Transitions the state of the vault from 'Locked' to 'Unlocked' under specific conditions. this needs to be called if target is reached with non native tokens. this needs to be called if no tokens are received after unlock time has been reached. this call is not necessary if the target is reached with native tokens only.

Can only be called when the vault is 'Locked'. The state transition depends on the target balance being met and the current time surpassing the unlock time.


function getTotalBalance() external view returns (uint256 totalBalance)

Calculates the total balance of the vault, including both native and staked tokens. this should not be used when the vault has a non-native base token.

Return Values

totalBalanceuint256The total balance held in the vault, including staked tokens.


function _getStakedTokenBalance() internal view returns (uint256 totalStakedTokenBalance)


function attributes() external view returns (struct IVault.Attr)

Returns the attributes of the vault.

Return Values

[0]struct IVault.AttrA struct containing the vault's attributes.


function optInForOETHRebasing() external

Allows the vault to opt-in for receiving yieled from any Origin Protocol's oETH tokens held.

This function sets the oETHRebasingEnabled flag to true and calls the rebaseOptIn method on the oETH contract. It can only be called once as it requires that rebasing is not already enabled. The function also checks that the oETH contract address is set in the treasury.


function payout(address recipient, address payable feeRecipient, uint256 thisOwnerBalance, uint256 totalSupply) external payable returns (enum IVault.State)

Handles the payout process for the vault, including calculating and transferring assets to the recipient and feeRecipient, and handling different asset types (native & staked, or base token).

This function should only be called when the vault is in the 'Unlocked' state and is only callable by the factory contract.


recipientaddressThe address of the recipient who will receive the assets from the vault. Should be the caller of the factory payout function.
feeRecipientaddress payableThe address payable to which the fee (if any) will be paid.
thisOwnerBalanceuint256The ERC1155 token balance of the recipient. This determines the share of vault assets that will be paid.
totalSupplyuint256The total supply of ERC1155 tokens representing this vault.

Return Values

[0]enum IVault.Statestate The new state of the vault after the payout, which can either remain 'Unlocked' or change to 'Open' if it's the last payout.


function sendToTreasury() external payable

Transfers all supported, native, and staked tokens, from the vault contract to the treasury.

It firstly sends the full native token (for example, ETH) balance to the treasury, then loops through the treasury's supportedToken array, then the treasury's nativeStakedToken array, and sends the corresponding balances, if a non-zero balance is present in the vault, to the treasury.

Can only be called when the vault is in the 'Open' state and exclusively by the treasury contract.


function _sendToken(address tokenAddress) internal

This internal function is used by sendToTreasury to transfer full balance of each individual token.


function _withdrawTokens(address[] tokens, address recipient, address feeRecipient, uint256 ownerBalance, uint256 totalSupply) internal

loops through array of tokens and executes the withdrawToken() function


function _withdrawToken(contract IERC20 token, address recipient, address feeRecipient, uint256 ownerBalance, uint256 totalSupply) internal

withdraws a share of a token balance to a recipient & sends fees


function _getTokenBalance(address tokenAddress) internal view returns (uint256)

gets the vault's current balance of a non-native token


receive() external payable

Handles receiving native tokens (ETH) and potentially changes the vault's state to 'Unlocked'.

This function is triggered when the vault receives native tokens (ETH). It emits a Received event and may change the state to 'Unlocked' if certain conditions are met. The state changes to 'Unlocked' if the vault is currently 'Locked', the base token is the native token (address(0)), the current block timestamp is greater than the unlock time, and the combined balance of staked tokens and native tokens meets or exceeds the target balance set for unlocking.